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What Social Networks Should You Use to Grow Your Business with Jennifer Davis (Episode #14)

What Social Networks Should You Use to Grow Your Business with Jennifer Davis (Episode #14)

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Today we are with Jennifer Davis from The Blueberry Hill, a company that sells cute hats for children, and she will discuss what social networks she uses to grow her business.

It’s important not only to build a presence but to drive sales.

She got on social media several years ago and it was much easier then. People saw her content and it was growing.

Then Instagram and Facebook changed their algorithm, and that stopped.

Now she uses ads to sell products via social networks.

She doesn’t sell products, she sells an emotion.

They grow a lot more from Pinterest than Instagram but does a lot on both.

Learn more about Jennifer here:

Jon Bradshaw

Jon Bradshaw

Entrepreneur focusing on enterprise and marketing applications.

Based out of Salt Lake City, UT, and Pune, India.

Companies founded include:


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