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What Makes the Best Business Partnerships with Cheryl Snapp Conner (Episode #6)

What Makes the Best Business Partnerships with Cheryl Snapp Conner (Episode #6)

When is the right time to bring on a business partner?

In genral, Cheryl is in favor of business partnerhips.

She does say sometimes we pursue it too soon.

She’s also heard more bad stories than good ones.

Often we recruit business partners because we aren’t confident in our own abilities. That’s the wrong reason to recruit a business partner.

You also have to remember that you’re not only partners with the partner, but also you’re a partner with their spouse.

In Cheryl’s mind, most ideal partnerships last for 3-5 years. People get comfortable and are unwilling to change.

We often need a new starting point.

Learn more about Cheryl here:……


Jon Bradshaw

Jon Bradshaw

Entrepreneur focusing on enterprise and marketing applications.

Based out of Salt Lake City, UT, and Pune, India.

Companies founded include:


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