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How to Start a Business, The First 100 Days with Jennifer Davis (Episode #10)

How to Start a Business, The First 100 Days with Jennifer Davis (Episode #10)

We asked Jennifer Davis from The Blueberry Hill what her first 100 days would look like if she had to start her business over again.

Her first time was trial and error, just learning as she went along. The second time around she’d focus on processes and fulfillment.

She’d skip most of the formal paperwork and start building a brand over a business.

Get a name, pick the industry, and start building a following. Start posting content in that genre even before starting a business.

A lot of how Jennifer grows her Instagram accounts is through loop giveaways.

This helps to get exposure with the other company’s websites.

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Jon Bradshaw

Jon Bradshaw

Entrepreneur focusing on enterprise and marketing applications.

Based out of Salt Lake City, UT, and Pune, India.

Companies founded include:


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