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When is the Right Time to Hire a PR Firm with Cheryl Snapp Conner (Episode #5)

When is the Right Time to Hire a PR Firm with Cheryl Snapp Conner (Episode #5)

When is the right time to hire a PR firm? Today, Cheryl teaches us the answer.

It varies by company, but generally, every organization should do it’s own PR for as long as it can.

You hire a PR firm for strategy and connections.

Plus, many writers would rather talk to the CEO and founder, over a PR firm.

Remember, Cheryl writes about how to hire a PR firm without hiring an agency. You can find her on Forbes.

When the time comes that you should hire a PR firm, be metric driven. Know what the job you’re hiring this PR firm to do. And make it driven by metrics.

Follow Cheryl on Forbes,, for even more great advice. Or check out her company, here:

Jon Bradshaw

Jon Bradshaw

Entrepreneur focusing on enterprise and marketing applications.

Based out of Salt Lake City, UT, and Pune, India.

Companies founded include:


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